Write for us

Craft your Craft Project!


CraftCorners.com allows you to submit your own creative project ideas to be featured on the site. You can either submit, as a Blog writer,  via a free program or through a professional paid program. The following paragraphs describe these two programs and can help you decide which one is right for you.

Write for the Money

The professional program is where you send in your submission to CraftCorners.com . Because the professional program is a paid program, it requires a higher level of standard. The following project submission guidelines have been formulated to help you submit your project through the professional program.

  • Please send your submission idea (proposal) to CraftCorners.com before you actually start writing it. Please don’t send complete projects before getting approval from us. If you already have a finished project, then make sure you send a picture of the finished project so that we can see what it will look like.
  • All submissions (once approved), must be clearly written with step by step instructions.
  • Although there is no set word limit, project submissions must not be too small or too long and should be appropriate for the project.
  • All submissions must be accompanied with at least one photograph of the finished project and of any difficult steps that require a visual aid. The more photographs of steps and variations we have to choose from, the better. Please take your photographs against a white background.
  • The payment for each submission that is accepted and published on CraftCorners.com is a maximum of $25(USD). For complex projects other fees can be negotiated. Payment is done only by Paypal and is sent once the project is accepted on  CraftCorners.com .
  • Project submissions, once published, become the property of  CraftCorners.com and must not be published anywhere else without permission.
  • Project submissions must not have been published anywhere before and must be your own ideas.
  • CraftCorners.com reserves the right to ask for edits of submitted projects till they are ready to be published. If a project is deemed unsuitable for publication after 3 attempts, a cancel fee of $10 USD will be paid with no further obligation on CraftCorners.com part. However, if the submitted project does not match your original proposal, CraftCorners.com will be under no obligation to pay this cancel fee.
  • Send your proposal through the professional program here.

Write to become famous

  • Free submissions allow you to share your creativity with the rest of the world and get acknowledgement for it.
  • You remain the author/copyright holder for the project and can send the link to your project to the rest of the world.
  • You can also have a link to your own website/Etsy store/Shop within the project, thus driving traffic to your own site.
  • Go ahead and submit your project now!