How to gift tea

wood tea chest silver via
For those of you who have friends who love tea, you know how excited they get when they receive tea as a gift. If you want to add a personal touch when gifting tea (because grocery store packaging is not special at all!), then here are some neat ideas to try out:

Tea chest

If your friend or relative is an avid tea drinker and loves a variety of tea, you can buy different flavored tea bags and place them in a wood tea chest silver that would not only keep the receiver’s tea organized, but also be a staple accessory which they can use for years to come!

Tea card holder set

Does the person you are giving tea to, also love to host brunches or tea parties? You can get really clever and take a flower card holder set and secure different flavored tea bags into the holder instead of seating name cards. This way, they can enjoy the tea, and keep the card holders to use for future dining occasions.

Thermos and tea duo

Want to give tea to someone who has not really tried much tea before? Perhaps you are on a budget and you want to make a useful gift for your friends this holiday season. Buying decorative or seasonal thermoses and travel mugs, and then stuffing them with popular tea flavors can be a cute and simple way to gift tea on budget.

The great thing about tea is that there are so many flavors and types out there, so you can get creative when deciding on how to gift it!