DIY wind chimes

 DIY wind chimes Creative Commons | McKay Savage |

You can use all sorts of scrapping  materials to help create the perfect wind chime. You can also incorporate different metals or wood to spruce up the finished look of the wind chime. Here is a look at some items you can gather for making unique angel wind chimes for your home:

  • White beads
  • Angel charms/angel wing pendant
  • White marbles
  • Sea shells of different shapes and sizes
  • A drilling machine with a small diamond drill bit
  • A small wooden stick
  • Invisible plastic thread

Once you have collected these items, it is time for action! Follow these steps to make the perfect wind chime:

  • Take the wooden stick and cut it into the desired size. Keep in mine that the width of this piece of wood should be the width of your wind chime.
  • Create three holes on the wooden stick using your drilling machine. Make one hole at the center of the stick as well as on the opposite ends of the stick.
  • Take the invisible plastic thread and cut in into three long pieces and tie a knot at each end. Put a piece of thread into the middle hole and take it out from the other end (the knot of your thread should act like a stopper and should not pass through the hole. You can make two or more knots at the same place in order to prevent the thread from slipping through).
  • Place the two knotted threads in the vacant holes.
  • Pick up a sea shell and make a hole in it. Now you can put the thread into it. Tie a knot below to create a stopper. You can embellish by incorporating the white marbles and beads into your thread. If you don’t have an angel charm, you can use an angel wing pendant. These pendants will surely add some zazz to the wind chime.
  • Keep adding shells to the threads until all three threads have at least 5 sea shells and two marbles.

In just 30 minutes you’ve got yourself a homemade wind chime! And one made from sea shells, marbles, angel charms, and natural stones will create a soothing sound for your home environment!