DIY Rug Mosaic

Looking for something a bit more exciting to decorate your home than the standard peach rugs? Well this blog post is going to solve your crafting and decorating conundrums. We’re going to have a look at the concept of a rug as a piece of art rather than just a regular decoration. What we’re going to make today is a rug mosaic that will consist of other pieces of rugs. Essentially we’re actually going to make our own rug from pieces of others. What we really love about this project is that its pretty much guaranteed to come out as a one of a kind piece that’s going to be absolutely individual. Read on to learn all about it!
What You Need
- Assorted small rugs. Since we’re going to be cutting these up, you’ll want want just a bunch of cheap rugs, so don’t go splurging on huge wall sized persians. Instead, hit up a vintage shop or two and find yourself a bunch of greeting mats with interesting and colorful patterns.
- Several large thin place mats. You’ll be using these as a sort of canvas and base to arrange your mosaic on.
- Heavy duty scissors and an exacto knife
- A hot glue gun
- Hairspray
What To Do
We’re going to begin but cutting up our greeting mats into varying sizes of square and rectangular shapes using our heavy duty scissors and exacto knife for help. Keeps these cuts fairly small so that you can make an intriguing and multifaceted design.
After you’ve cut up your rugs, begin placing them onto your place mat canvas with the hot glue gun to make firm attachments. Go a little bit at a time and step back every few minutes to survey your design. After you’ve finished placing your mosaic, give it several coats of hairspray. This will put a nice sheen on your handiwork, as well as protect it from wear.
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