DIY Masquerade mask

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diy masquerade mask

DIY Masquerade mask – Going to a masquerade party? Thinking about dressing masquerade for a different themed party? Well, a great and simple costume idea is making up your very own DIY masquerade mask. Many will just head to the local crafts store and pick up a plain white mask and decorate it, but making your very own mask out of scratch is both fun and really makes your costume shine. Here is a quick guide to making your very own high quality feather masquerade masks.


–          Scissors

–          Plaster wrap cloth

–          Water

–          Petroleum jelly

–          Sand paper

–          Paint

–          Peacock feathers

–          Glue and chopstick

Step by Step Instructions:

  1. Apply petroleum jelly to face in area where mask will be.
  2. Cut two plaster strips, wet them in the water, and place in a “X” pattern across your face, covering the bridge of your nose.
  3. Continue to apply more plaster strips to your face in the shape of the desired mask. Make sure the mask is at least 3 layers thick.
  4. Allow mask to dry on face and remove, allowing it extra time to dry and become hard.
  5. Attach chopstick to edge of the mask with glue and cover with extra plaster strips.
  6. Sand the mask until smooth and apply desired paint.
  7. Glue peacock feather to the edge of the mask and you are ready to party!

If you feel like getting extra crafty, you can add on extra pieces to the mask using the plaster strips, such as spikes or animal ears. Either way, enjoy your new custom masquerade mask that is sure to be a hit at any party you go to!