DIY: Makeup goodie bags for the makeup obsessed

Everyone has that one friend who is obsessed with makeup – they watch video tutorials online, read blogs on the latest makeup trends, and get excited when nail polish brands create unique lines featuring their favorite music artist or movie. So when it comes time to give them a gift they will truly appreciate, why not make them a makeup goodie bag?
Makeup goodie bags will give them a medley of new (or already loved) things to sample. If you are hosting an event and want to make multiple goodie bags, clear favor bags or mini fabric bags tied with ribbon would be a cute and more affordable alternative to hold the goods, instead of purchasing makeup bags for everyone. Here are some ideas for makeup product to add to your make bag:
1. Nail Polish
This is a great goodie bag item since you can easily customize bags by giving favorite colors to your friends. If your friend likes to do nail art, you can include nail polish pens which will surely excite them and inspire them to get creative with their nails!
2. Blush
Blush is another great item because it does not need to be a high end brand to be of great quality. Blushes like the Covergirl Cheekers Blush come in many colors and are extremely affordable so you don’t need to break the bank when adding to your good bag.
3. Lipstick
With so many beautiful shades and quality drugstore brands, you may have a hard time choosing which lipsticks to gift and which ones to keep!
4. Eyeliners
A girl can never have enough eye pencils. They can stash it in their purse for a quick touch-up or last minute dinner plans.
The contents of your friend’s goodie bag is up to you since you know them best. Either way, they will love their thoughtful gift and you will have fun putting together! What makeup products did you gift to your friend?