DIY Magazine Storage Holder

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magazines storage boxes


Magazine storage boxes – If you’re anything like me, you always end up having stacks of magazines! I’ll admit I’m a sucker for the latest gossip magazines while waiting in line at the grocery store and I’m often signed up for various monthly subscriptions. If you have a multiple-member household then this problem is only multiplied!

Furthermore, I hate throwing away magazines because a couple times a year I love going through them and pulling out pictures and articles to make collages. Instead of shoving them in drawers and accumulating piles, I decided this is a great opportunity to execute a little DIY project and make a magazine storage craft which I’ll describe below.

Now, if you don’t have time to spend on a project I also have a few ideas to help you stay organized. If you own a wine rack (and it’s not filled with wine), rolling up your magazines and filling up the slots with them is creative and looks great! If you have clean, decorative flower pots bring them inside and fill with rolled up magazines. You may even have enough magazines to make little decorative stands. This works particularly well if your magazines are all the same size (and the larger the better). Stack them up neatly against a wall, preferably one that won’t get bumped into, and place a picture frame or children’s school project on top of it.

If you’re interested in a little DIY project, this is a great one!

Materials you’ll need:

  • Cardboard box
  • Wrapping paper
  • Tape
  • Pencil
  •  Sharp scissors


    1. Determine how many magazines you have in order to find the best cardboard box for you.  Personally I love tall, thin boxes so one like this would work great. This is also a fantastic way to recycle boxes you have laying around the house.
    2. Take sharp scissors and carefully cut off the top and angle the sides into desired shape and size.
    3. Lay out you wrapping paper and measure the needed length (hint: it’s better to do each side which separate sheets of paper) Trace with a pencil and cut with your scissors.
    4. Wrap paper around cardboard box and tape on the inside.
    5. Once all the cardboard is covered, place magazines into the box and you’ve got yourself a homemade magazine storage. This is a great example of what a well-made magazine storage holder can look like. Enjoy being organized! Any other magazine storage boxes Ideas? Please let us know!