DIY artificial wedding bouquet

Many people are using do it yourself ideas as a way to save money, especially when it comes to weddings. One of those expensive things to worry about can be flowers. One option to consider is making your own artificial wedding bouquets. The benefit is that they are cheaper, you can save money by putting them together yourself and you can get exactly what you want since you’re in control.
Here’s what you need:
Artificial flowers
Floral tape
Here’s what you do:
- Start with your biggest flower in the center. Then take smaller flower and spiral them around the larger holding them tightly in place.
- You can add lily of the valley if you need to now by slipping pieces of it in-between some of the smaller flowers. You can do this by sticking them down into the bouquet from the top.
- Add your greens. Cut down the green leaves that you want to use and then tuck them in around the bouquet.
- Take the bouquet to the mirror to make sure that it is the right size and that you are happy with how it’s arranged.
- If you are happy with it, take a piece of floral tape and wrap it around the bottom. You can tape it twice to make sure it’s secure.
- Then take your ribbon and start wrapping it tightly starting from the very tops of the stems. When you get the end of the ribbon fold it under and use a pin to secure the ribbon to the stems. You can use more pins if you want. Make sure that end of the pin is not sticking out because you don’t want to poke anyone.
When you plan your wedding make sure to pay attention to the details. When it comes to the table setting make sure your tablescape is memorable. Try something like
to leave your guests with a unique and lasting memory.